Couldn't join us in Florence?

Recordings available

If you missed the Aftercare Forum 2024 or any sessions, this is your Aftercare Netflix to hours and hours of top-notched content to replay from the comfort of your home!

Watch now all the videos-on-demand of Aftercare Forum 2024:

We recorded the Forum to share our knowledge with IPA across the world.

Hosted in Florence on May 29th-30th 2024 alongside Invest in Tuscany, the 2024 Aftercare Forum  brought together Aftercare experts, policy-makers, practitioners and senior executives to develop a community of practice and strengthen post-investment support worldwide.

A note from the convener

 While the pandemic put Aftercare center-stage globally, there are still many misconceptions or outdated perspectives of what Aftercare is and what it can achieve. And this is creating a new divide; those host economies who excel in Aftercare and embrace investor life-time value and those who mainly focus on attracting investors.  

The Aftercare Forum is the only global gathering,  focused on post-investment and provides a platform for IPAs to learn from each other.  Recording the 2 days of insight  was an important step in driving our inclusive agenda and supporting those who could not travel to Florence. We also added a complimentary book and a session with me to the offer, to make sure you benefit the most from this year’s content.  

Happy binge watching.


4 reasons to get the recodings

Day 1: The Aftercare Masterclass

A packed training day, the masterclass provided a framework to unpack key Aftercare concepts and develop  the skillsets, mindsets, and ‘action-sets’ to excel in Aftercare, in addition to a highly-rated best practice session, where IPAs from across the world shared their secrets. 

Day 2: Unpacking the Future

Experts discussed how business trends shape investment and Aftercare in particular and reflected of how their current best practices offer a roadmap to drive further value creation and future-looking innovation.

Bonus: Mentoring

Once you have watched the videos, you will be eligible for an exclusive online Aftercare mentoring session to discuss your  local Aftercare challenges (valid up to 3 months after purchase).

Bonus: Aftercare Book

Receive a complimentary online copy of the book  “Investment Aftercare Explained”

The recordings are hosted in our online training portal

Testimonials Florence 2024

We selected a few testimonials so that you can get a sense of what it was.
• Attending my first Aftercare Forum was an incredible experience. The event was phenomenally well-organized, and every session was engaging and relevant. The speakers and attendees were truly inspiring, creating an atmosphere of enthusiasm and shared knowledge. I left feeling motivated and eager to return next year. Congrats to the organizers for a fantastic event!
Javier Perez Solanno
ProExCa - Canarias

The feedback of the event was excellent and we are pleased that so many attendees got real benefit from the Forum.  You can also be part of the community by watching the recordings.

• Everything was perfectly organized and the contents were very interesting. Thanks to our friends at Invest in Tuscany and Cities & Collaboration.
Sabino Alvino
Invest in Emilia-Romagna
• The notion of Aftercare is really unknown to our API. The masterclass and the forum have been a real boost to my knowledge. The field is much wider than I imagined. I'd like to say thank you to Carolina, who has been coaching me since 2023. Thank you to all the panellists, and I hope to be one of them one day.
CEPICI Cote d'Ivory