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Gallery 2024
Aftercare Forum 2025
Book ticket
Aftercare Forum
Registration Florence
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Participant's Details:
What Days/Events are you attending?
Wednesday 29th: Masterclass
Wednesday 29th: Lunch
Wednesday 29th: Gala Dinner
Thursday 30th: Aftercare Forum
Thursday 30th: Lunch
Optional Afterwork Activities (kindly sponsored by our partners)
Tuesday 28th - Informal welcome dinner
Thursday 30th - Walking tour in Florence
Thursday 30th - Mixology Class (contains alcohol)
Details about Aftercare
• How familiar are you with Aftercare 1 to 5 (5 = you are an expert)
• What Aftercare best practices do you have locally?
• Is there a specific topic you would like to learn about?
Would you like to receive a copy of the “Investment Aftercare Book”
No thank you. (I am not a good reader)
Yes, please. I would like to get a copy
I already have one ( and I am taking my copy to have it autographed)
Select Option
Do you have dietary requirements (such as allergies, preferences, codes you adhere to, ingredients to avoid, etc)?
Do you have mobility requirements?
Anything else you would like to share?
Do you agree to share your contact details with other participants of the Aftercare Forum
By attending this event, whether as a participant, speaker or support team
• You agree to share your details with the organisers, partners and sponsors of the event.
• you acknowledge that images will be captured during the event using film photography, digital photography, video or other medium and you consent to the organisers of the Aftercare Forum to use that material for promotion and commercial purposes or other future activities by Cities & Collaboration and fdiCampus. • You agree to the terms and conditions of joining the event.