Aftercare Forum
Speakers 2024.
We are excited that so many experts will take the stage in our Aftercare Forum 2024 in Florence.

Carolina Arriagada Peters
Cities & Collaboration
Carolina Arriagada Peters is the main convener of the Aftercare Forum.
A prior FDI practitioner attracting investment to London, she is a senior FDI consultant who advises Investment Promotion Agencies across the world on how to leverage trade and investment as drivers for sustainable growth. She is the Managing Director of Cities & Collaboration where she works with many international organisations such as IADB, UNDP, IFC, World Bank and UNIDO. She is the lead co-author of the only book about Aftercare titled “Investment Aftercare Explained, A Guide for FDI Practitioners and Policymakers on How to Grow and Retain Investors;” content which she shares in courses, workshops and executive coaching via online portal fdiCampus. She is a recognized Aftercare thought leader and a driving force when it comes to advancing the frontiers of Aftercare at a global scale. In addition, she is an academic director at University of Chile and brings over a decade of working with the impact sector mentoring impact makers.

Paolo Tedeschi
Invest in Tuscany
Paolo Tedeschi is the Director of Territorial Competitiveness of Tuscany with the mandate to consolidate attraction of foreign and national investments efforts in Tuscany, strongly supporting also established investors.
In parallel to that role, he is the Managing Authority of the European Regional Development Funds covering the region of Tuscany. This role is a strategic and transversal one, working with all the other regional government directorates, programming and deploying about € 2.3 bn for the period 2021-2027.
Prior to that Mr Tedeschi was the Head of the Secretariat of the President of the Regional Government from 2010 to 2020, after gaining vast experience in the world of research and university teaching at the Superior School Sant’Anna in Pisa, with over 20 scientific publications in economics.

Victor do Prado
SciencesPo Paris
Victor do Prado teaches Economic Diplomacy at the Paris School of International Affairs – SciencesPo Paris and is a Senior Fellow and Member of the International Advisory Council at the Brazilian Center for International Relations – CEBRI.
From 2012 to 2022, he was the Director of the Council and Trade Negotiations Committee Division of the World Trade Organization – WTO in Geneva, with responsibilities for the management of the main decision-making bodies of that Organization (Ministerial Conference, General Council, Trade Negotiations Committee). He previously served as WTO deputy Chief of Staff under Director-General Pascal Lamy (2005-2012).
Do Prado is a former Brazilian diplomat and participated in several international trade negotiations (GATT/WTO, Mercosur, bilateral trade agreements). He coordinated dispute settlement proceedings for Brazil and served as WTO Dispute Settlement panellist in three cases. He was senior trade and economic assistant to Brazil’s foreign minister (1997-2001). Do Prado also served at the Brazilian Embassy in Berlin (2001-2002).
Victor do Prado holds a Degree in Law from the University of São Paulo and a Master’s degree in International Relations from the Brazilian Diplomatic Academy (First of class, Rio Branco prize and award). He is a faculty and board member of the World Trade Institute – WTI (Bern University) and a frequent guest lecturer in universities in Europe, Asia and Latin America.
Honours: Commander or the Order of Rio Branco (Brazil); Officer of the Order of Infante D. Henrique (Portugal); Order of the Rising Sun, Golden Rays with Rosette (Japan).

Natalia Guerra
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
Natalia Guerra is an Economic Affairs Officer at UNCTAD, where she coordinates capacity-building and technical cooperation programmes based on UNCTAD’s Investment Policy Framework for Sustainable Development (IPFSD), the Global Action Menu for Investment Facilitation, and the promotion of investment in SDG sectors. Ms. Guerra has 25 years of experience in foreign direct investment and development, including at the Venezuelan National Council for Investment Promotion and UNCTAD. Ms. Guerra also serves as the focal point on gender mainstreaming in UNCTAD’s Division of Investment and Enterprise.
Ms. Guerra graduated in economics from the Central University of Venezuela and earned a master’s degree in investment promotion and economic development from Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland.
Natalia will be our moderator in Florence and is also a member of the Aftercare Forum 2024’s Organising Committee.

Filippo Giabbani
Invest in Tuscany
Filippo Giabbani has been active in foreign direct investment (FDI) and trade promotion for more than 20 years. He is the Executive Director of Invest in Tuscany, a network of public partners promoted by the Region of Tuscany in collaboration with local Municipalities whose aim is to promote Tuscany as a key investment destination. He has extensive expertise in international trade and investment policy, both on the strategic and operational level. Filippo previously spent 14 years with Toscana Promozione, the Tuscan regional government agency entrusted with the promotion of trade, business opportunities and industrial co-operation between Tuscan and foreign companies. During his time in Toscana Promozione, Filippo assisted many companies to develop export and international marketing strategies. Filippo holds a BA (Hons, 1st Class) in Political Science and International Relations from the LUISS-Guido Carli University in Rome, a Master in International Trade from ITA, the Italian Trade Agency, and an Executive MBA from Bologna Business School – University of Bologna.

Fiona Clouder
Fiona Clouder has wide experience of international trade and investment, both as a senior diplomat and now through her work in the private sector. Fiona was the UK´s Ambassador to Chile from 2014 to 2018; and then Regional Ambassador, Latin America and Caribbean, COP26, from 2020 to 2022, driving diplomatic engagement, at the top of governments and business, for a Net Zero world.
She previously led the FCO (Foreign & Commonwealth Office, now FCDO) strategy on Latin America. Fiona joined the FCO in 2001, from the Research Councils (now UKRI) to set up new work on science diplomacy and to build and lead the global Science and Innovation Network (UKSIN).
Now working in the private sector, including with The Ambassador Partnership and with Deheza, a strategic intelligence company, Fiona continues to focus on business links and government relations. Fiona is a Senior Advisor to Appian Capital Advisory, a leading investor in the metals and mining sector. She is an Independent Director of the Chilean Cobalt Corp, a Distinguished Fellow of the Royal United Services Institute, Chairman of the Anglo Chilean Society and a Board member of Canning House – the UK´s leading forum on Latin America. Fiona is particularly interested in the interface of mining, energy and environment issues and associated geopolitics and has long standing interests in the history of Latin America, maritime links and heritage for economic development.
Fiona will provide the closing remarks.

Marco Perrone
Invest in Tuscany
With a Bachelor of Engineering (University of Florence), Marco Perrone has worked for more than 10 years in technology transfer and internationalisation for Tuscan high-tech companies. He joined Invest in Tuscany in 2016 to promote the region as an ideal business destination for technology-based foreign companies in a number of target countries. Since 2022 his daily focus has been to contribute to a longer and more prosperous stay of already established foreign companies, to help them solve their needs and to encourage a deeper connection with the local production and innovation ecosystem.
Marco Perrone is also a member of the Aftercare Forum 2024’s Organising Committee.

Laurence Curti
Choose Paris Region
Laurence Curti heads Choose Paris Region’s Aftercare activity. Her experience at the agency involves developing foreign investment attraction strategies, R&D clusters, and corporate innovation & acceleration programmes. Before working for Choose Paris Region, she managed international benchmarks and post-merger assignments at Deloitte Consulting. She started her career at Renault, heading supply chain, R&D, and e-business international transformation programmes.
Laurence Curti is also a member of the Aftercare Forum 2024’s Organising Committee

Quan Zhao
International Trade Centre (ITC)
Mr. Quan Zhao is Senior Programme Officer (Trade Policy) in the Division of Market Development, International Trade Centre (ITC). His main portfolio includes research, policy advisory and project management in the areas of trade in services, e-commerce, digital economy and cross-border investment. He also advises the senior management on the trade and investment issues in the context of the G20 and BRICS. Prior to joining the ITC, Mr. Zhao served as a trade negotiator and diplomat at the Permanent Mission of China to the World Trade Organization and the Ministry of Commerce of China.

Katerina Ciampi Stancova
OECD Trento Centre for Local Development
Kateřina Ciampi Stančová is a Policy Analyst at the OECD Centre Trento for Local Development. She has experience in providing scientific research and policy advice on public policies for local development, foresight, innovation policy and transformative research, smart specialisation, less developed ecosystems with weaker institutional capacities and human capital. Prior to joining the OECD, she worked for the European Commission – Joint Research Centre and for EIT Digital. She has also been a visiting scholar at Georgetown University in Washington DC and Stockholm University. She holds a PhD in Public Policy and Sustainability from the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies in Pisa.

Joel Richards
Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS)
Joel Richards is a national of St. Vincent & the Grenadines. For the past 15 years, he has advised Caribbean Governments, Intergovernmental Agencies and the private sector on international trade policy and related issues. He has previously headed the Barbados Private Sector Trade Team (2010-2013) and has also served as a Senior Advisor at the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat’s Office of Trade Negotiations between 2014 and 2019. Currently, he is a Counsellor at the Permanent Delegation of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) in Geneva where he focuses primarily on negotiating on behalf of the OECS WTO Members in the World Trade Organization. In this connection, on behalf of the OECS, he has led negotiations in areas such as Investment Facilitation for Development, Fisheries Subsidies and Dispute Settlement Reform among others.

Roberta Dall’Olio
Roberta Dall’Olio is the Director of the European Network of Regional Development Agencies, Eurada, since November 2022, former President of Eurada, expert for Integrated Strategic Projects for Territory, Attractiveness and Participation Area in ART-ER, former Head of ART-ER International and Territorial Cooperation, Social Innovation Unit. Member of EC working groups (SME ENVOY-DG Regio, JUST TRANSITION -DG Regio, CPR Partners DG Grow) and of OECD Leed Programme Advisory Committee. Her assignments imply design, management and technical assistance in EU and international and territorial cooperation projects (in cooperation with International Organizations like UNDP, UNIDO, OECD, the National Agency for International Cooperation AICS, EU Delegations and international implementers like GIZ, NIRAS) on institution and capacity building, regional and local development, Talent Harnessing; Regional and Local development Agencies, social economy and social innovation, participation and Culture and creativity, urban regeneration in the European Union countries.
Roberto Dall’Olio is also a member of the Aftercare Forum 2024’s Organising Committtee

Nazarii Volianskyi
Ukraine Invest
Nazarii Volianskyi is the Head of the International Relations and Communications Department at the Government of Ukraine Investment Promotion Agency. He brings over 10 years of experience in journalism working as an editor TV presenter for major TV channels in Ukraine. Previously, he worked as the Director of Corporate Communications at the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
In his current role, he has established cooperation with leading global media and PR agencies, such as Financial Times, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Guardian, Nasdaq, InvestmentMonitor, Fortune, Quantum Media Group and Coindesk to create and distribute materials about successful business cases and the implementation of investment projects in Ukraine amid armed international conflict.

Vanessa Gibson
CINDE Costa Rica
Vanessa Gibson has worked at CINDE Costa Rica for over 20 years; she started out as economics researcher, three years later she assumed the position of manager for the Services Sector. Since 2009 she has led l the Aftercare area and is now the Investment Climate Director managing the strategy of competitiveness of Costa Rica for the attraction of foreign direct investment.
Vanessa is an Economist and holds her licentiate degree in Economics and a Master’s in development Program and Project Evaluation from the University of Costa Rica, where she graduated in 2006.
Prior to her time in CINDE, she worked at the Central Bank of Costa Rica as an economic assistant to the Agricultural Economics Department.
Vanessa Gibson is also a member of the Aftercare Forum 2024’s Organising Committee.

Martin Kaspar
German Mittelstand’s company
As Head of Corporate Development of a German Mittelstand’s company and hidden champion in the automotive industry, Martin Kaspar is primarily responsible for internationalisation projects (M&A as well as Greenfields).
Having completed his PhD at Durham University on the role of Investment Promotion Agencies (IPAs) on location-decision making processes, he is regular speaker / panelist at national and sub-national IPAs, international Oorganisations, professional bodies (e.g. WAIPA) and FDI events (e.g. AIM Congress).
Martin has a bi-monthly column in fDi intelligence (the FDI focused magazine of the FT group) and regularly publishes articles in Investment Monitor and UNIDO-IAP.
Martin Kaspar is also member of the Aftercare Forum 2024’s Organising Committee

Anne Have Kjærholm
Copenhagen Capacity
Anne Have Kjærholm has been with Copenhagen Capacity for 25 years and has since 2008 been working within the field of aftercare. She holds a Master of Business Laws and Economics from Copenhagen Business School and has gained experience within sales, marketing and management from her years in the Tech industry back in the 90es where she worked for NCR/AT&T
Anne has built up the structure for working with the foreign owned companies in the Greater Copenhagen Region and is an expert in assisting the companies in building a strong and convincing business case to attract more business units like regional functions, R&D, production, CoE, Innovations HUBs etc.
Anne is a practitioner and make use of her extensive business network to reach out to the CEO’s of the companies and thereby inspire them to take the discussing with HQ to expand their footprint in Denmark. Over the years Anne has assisted more than 80 companies to expand their presence in Denmark.
Anne Have Kjærholm is also a member of the Aftercare Forum 2024’s Organising Committee.

Dali Bouzoraa
Dali Bouzoraa brings extensive international experience in tax practice. As President of Orbitax Research Center he has helped design online tools that help navigate the complexities of international taxes and increase productivity
Prior to joining Orbitax, Dali worked with IBFD in a variety of positions including as a Researcher, Head of most regional tax teams, Head of Client Research and Government Consulting, Director of Research and member of the Management Team.
Dali’s current and past membership includes IFA, the Taxation Commission of the International Chamber of Commerce, the corporate tax group of the Dutch Federation of Industry, and the Board of the Brazilian Tax Law (and national IFA) Association. He is an invited lecturer at various universities, published numerous articles and is a frequent speaker on international tax issues. Dali holds inter alia, a post graduate degree in international law and international economics from the University of Amsterdam.

Alex Sanchiz
Compete Caribbean Partnership Facility from IADB
Alex Sanchiz has worked for a number of international organisations, focusing on private sector development and providing technical assistance and advisory services related to FDI policy and promotion. With projects spanning many developing countries in Eastern Europe, Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa, and South Asia, he focuses on Business and Investment Climate. Alex is currently working at the Compete Caribbean Partnership Facility (CCPF) at the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) and is based in Barbados. Previously, he worked for the Trade, Investment and Competitiveness Global Directorate of the World Bank in Washington DC, where he published the State of Investment Promotion Agencies flagship report, and for the Spanish Ministry of Economy at the Embassy of Spain in El Salvador.

Diego Baez
Diego Baez is the Founder of Bloxcross (“BLOX”), a digital assets innovation company that serves global bilateral trade, cross border payments, and other financial user cases for digital assets and blockchain technologies.
As a technology innovator, he began his career at IBM Speech Recognition Labs and AT&T Labs/Unix Systems Labs from where he moved to financial services industry. During his 18 years in that industry, Mr. Baez held executive positions at Citigroup, JPMorgan, Lehman Brothers, Knight Securities and Goldman Sachs leading a strategic technology projects, such as the design and build of a global market data system to power bank trading applications, development of the automated trading engine, set up of the largest electronic market maker globally and the implementation of institutional algorithms practice for these financial houses. He later joined Marco Polo Network as global COO and implemented electronic trading access via a single interface to over 90 emerging market exchanges.
In addition to his work at BLOX, Mr. Baez also serves as the CTO of Analytic Lab Works, applying AI/machine learning and big data dissemination techniques to simplify real world problems and to create usable financial tools across the globe.

Paolo Ruggeri
Baker Hughes
Paolo Ruggeri serves as the Vice Chairman and Director of Institutional Affairs at Nuovo Pignone International Srl, a Baker Hughes company. Born in Florence, Italy, Ruggeri holds a degree in Nuclear Engineering from the University of Pisa and an MBA from the University of Bologna.
He started his career at Nuovo Pignone in 1986 as a Design Engineer, subsequently taking on roles of increasing responsibility across divisions like Global Services, Customer Service, and Commercial Operations. Ruggeri’s experience spans multiple regions, having served as President of Pignone Espanola, General Manager of Sales for Latin America based in Mexico City, and Operations General Manager for Russia & CIS.
Ruggeri has held leadership positions within Turbomachinery, Global Services, and the Upgrades and Industrial Applications divisions. From 2016 to 2019, he was the Turbomachinery and Process Solutions Business Director for Europe before assuming his current role.
Beyond his professional endeavours, Ruggeri actively contributes to industrial and cultural development. He is the President of “Associazione per la Cultura e lo Sviluppo Industriale,” promoting projects like “BiG Academy” for managerial training. Additionally, he leads “Associazione Fornitori Alleati per la Diversità e l’Inclusione,” advocating for diversity, equity, and inclusion within organizations and communities.

Marco Luccioli
Marco Luccioli joined McPhy in 2018 and has been appointed McPhy’s Chief Customer Service Officer in 2020. Marco has a proven track record in technology, program management and Customer services achieved through 25+ years of a career with renowned multinational companies (B&W, Westinghouse, Rolls Royce, General Electric, Air Liquide).
In his career, Marco has led engineering, quality and services organizations and successfully carried out programs and projects for major companies of the Power Generation and Oil & Gas industry.
He brings his international experience and broad business culture to the company, having travelled and lived abroad for long time.
Marco is tri-lingual in Italian, English and French and holds a Master’s in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Florence (I), with a specialization in turbomachinery.

Edoardo Giorgetti
Flowmotion Technologies
Graduated in Electronic Engineering (Università di Pisa) Edoardo Giorgetti is currently the Head of Business Development of Flowmotion Technologies. He started his career in ST Microelectronics as Failure Analysis Engineer and later moved to Piaggio to cover mainly quality roles in new product development are. He just achieved 30 years of activity in automotive business with the major part of experience gained in injector and fuel system development and manufacturing in Pisa Plant, branded along the years as Siemens, Siemens VDO, Continental, Vitesco Technologies and now Dumarey Flowmotion. After covering leading positions in project management, engineering, testing and proto lab, he finally got to head, with worldwide responsibility, the development and industrialization of injectors for gasoline direct injection technology for application in USA, Europe and China. In the scenario of mobility transition towards carbon neutral solutions, the current assignment at Dumarey Flowmotion focuses on development of solutions for thermal engines decarbonization.